Peace in an Age of Metal and Men

Metal and Men #2

by Anthony Eichenlaub

PeaceSomething ain’t right in the town of Swallow Hill.

A boy’s cold-blooded murder yanks J.D. from his life of peace. Guilt at past failures drives him, but soon the problem in Swallow Hill proves to be too much to solve alone. Problem is, there’s nobody he can trust: not his old war buddy, not the sheriff, and definitely not the good-looking gentleman from the city. Seems everyone around wants him to shoot someone else.

J.D. has to decide: is he going to go in guns blazing or is there a better way? Can there possibly be Peace in an Age of Metal and Men?

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Peace in an Age of Metal and Men is available from:

  • Amazon in Kindle.
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About the Author

Anthony W. Eichenlaub was born in Red Wing, Minnesota in 1975 and got his undergraduate degree in Computer Science from the faraway Iowa State. He since collected a Masters of Agriculture in Horticulture from the University of Minnesota. He spends the bulk of his free time brewing beer, painting models, running, and writing. For nearly a decade he has been writing on his blog, which was originally started to record his experiences as a new father. Ever since, he has written science fiction and fantasy as well as for freelance roleplaying game magazine Kobold Quarterly.